PhD position at Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering

BioMaterials Group is offering a PhD position in the area of biofabrication of in vitro 3D bone metastasis model.

About WUT:

Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) is not only the oldest, but also the best technical university in Poland. The Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering (FMSE) of the WUT is a leading research and teaching centre in the field of materials science and engineering in Poland.

The project will be realized in BioMaterials Group ( – one of the FMSE subgroups – which brings together 20 early stage and experienced researchers focused on the biomaterial science and development of novel technologies for tissue engineering, implants, and drug delivery systems.

About the position:

BioMaterials Group is offering a PhD position in the area of biofabrication of in vitro 3D bone metastasis model.

PhD position is available within project “Development of Functional Three-Dimensional Bone Metastasis Model with Tissue Engineering Approach”, BonMetFun, in collaboration with University of Zurich, funded by Polish National Science Center.

The overall objective of the project is to establish an ex vivo bone metastasis model that is based on a vascularized and functionally perfused engineered bone organoid (bone marrow and bone) that allows to investigate the pathophysiology of cancer metastasis, the interplay with blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) to mimic the blood environment and serves as a model for functional testing.

PhD student will be involved in bio-inks optimization for bio-printing purposes, designing and biofabrication of 3D bone organoids with special emphasis on bone and bone marrow part characterization. Evaluation of experimental data, optimization of co-culture conditions and data analysis will be the responsibilities of a PhD student.


The ideal candidate will have master's degree in Materials Science Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, or related disciplines, obtained not earlier than 1 years before the engagement in the project is required. Experience in hydrogel synthesis, material characterization and 3D bioprinting is essential. High motivation and strong interest in research is required. The candidate should have an innate ability for solution-orientated problem solving; strong interest in cell-biomaterial interactions and bone tissue engineering. The experience in cell handling will be considered as a benefit.


  • 4-year PhD study finished with PhD diploma in Materials Science
  • Stipend of about 50 000 PLN per year, with possible increase after midterm evaluation
  • Engagement into an ambitious research and possibility to build the academic career
  • Excellent support for research and facilities for professional and personal development


Applications, assembled as single PDF files, should contain a complete resume, a cover letter describing research interests and goals, a full list of publications and copies of up to three relevant scientific papers, as well as the names and contact information of three references (expected to provide letters of recommendation). Applications should be sent to, using the subject line “BonMetFun PhD”

Submission deadline: 3rd of July, 1:00 pm

Starting date: 1st of October 2024