Student Internship
University regulations
Faculty regulations
The Dean's Plenipotentiary for Student Internships
dr inż. Rafał Molak,
Administrative support - Dean's Office
- Iwona Gusta,
- Internships take place:
- in first-cycle studies - after the 4th or 6th semester of studies (traineeship),
- in second-cycle studies - after the 1st semester for master's studies starting in February or after the 2nd semester - for master's studies starting in October (diploma internship). The place of the diploma internship must be agreed with the thesis supervisor;
- Duration of the internship: not less than 4 weeks.
The internship is carried out in the months: July - September.
- Selection of an external entity from the catalog available on the website, from the university database of employers maintained by the WUT Career Office or another entity (not included in any of the listed databases). In the case of selecting an entity other than the one listed in the WIM WUT database, it is necessary to accept the selection by the Dean's Plenipotentiary for Student Internships. The activity profile of the external entity should be related to the field of materials science/engineering.
- Contact with an external entity in order to agree on the possibility of doing an internship in a given period, preliminary determination of the scope of internship - preferred telephone contact, at a later stage - e-mail contact.
- Preparation of application documentation addressed to an external entity - CV, cover letter, etc.
- Preparation and submission to the Dean's Office of the documentation required by the Faculty (detailed internship plan - INFORMATION ABOUT PLANNED INTERNSHIP, proof of accident insurance), necessary to complete the internship, on the basis of which the Dean's Office prepares documentation for an external entity (agreement and referral for internship).
- Submitting documents prepared by the Dean's Office to an external entity.
- The documents should be delivered to the external entity before the start of the internship, signed and returned to the Dean's Office.
- In the case of internships taking place outside the Student's place of residence - submitting an application for co-financing of internships (co-financing of accommodation and travel costs). The application should be submitted after the internship is completed. The condition for a positive consideration of the application for co-financing is the completion of the internship by the Dean's Representative for Student Internships. Detailed rules for co-financing mandatory student internships are included in the Order of the Dean of WIM. The amount of co-financing for accommodation during mandatory student internships is set at a level not higher than the fee for a double room in the most expensive student dormitory of the University during the internship period.
- A student employed on the basis of an employment contract or a civil law contract or running a business may apply for crediting the work performed as an internship. The application for crediting the work performed as an internship should be accompanied by: an application for crediting the internship, a certificate of employment and the scope of work performed, a report on completed internships. Annex no. 7b to Regulation no. 4/2023 of the Dean of Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering WUT - Detailed rules for co-financing mandatory student internships for students of the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering.
- The student may apply for crediting the professional practice outside the country on the basis of: the presented and approved practice program, certificate of completion of the practice, report on the course of the internship.
- Completion of the internship in the selected entity, within the period specified in the documentation.
- Submitting a certificate of completed practice and a report on completed practice. The report should include a detailed description of the practice in order to verify the compliance of the practice plan with its actual course. The Dean's Plenipotentiary for Student Internships reserves the right to refuse to accept or withdraw an incomplete internship certificate or an internship report that makes it impossible to verify the scope of the internship.
- Taking into account the schedule of the academic year and the large number of classes, it is suggested to conduct internships in months designated for this purpose, free of classes i.e., July-September.
- All formalities related to the organization of internships should be completed by the end of June.
Documents from the internship must be submitted by October 31 of the year in which the internship took place.
In case of any questions or doubts, please contact the Dean's Plenipotentiary for Student Internships at WIM PW:
- dr inż. Rafał Wróblewski, lub
- Information about planned internship
- Annex no. 1 to Regulation no. 45/2021 of the WUT Rector - Regulations on organisation and financing obligatory student internships included in the first- and second-cycle and long-cycle Master’s full-time and part-time degree programmes
- Zarządzenie nr 4/2023 Dziekan Wydziału Inżynierii Materiałowej w sprawie wprowadzenia Regulaminu organizacji i finansowania obowiązkowych praktyk studenckich na Wydziale Inżynierii Materiałowej Politechniki Warszawskiej
- Regulations for the organization and financing of obligatory student internships covered by the program of first- and second-cycle studies, uniform master's studies, full-time at the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology - Annex no. 1b to Regulation no. 4/2023 of the Dean of the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering WUT
- Template of the agreement on organization of obligatory student internships - Annex no. 2b to Regulation no. 4/2023 of the Dean of the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering WUT
- Template of referral for an internship - Annex no. 3b to Regulation no. 4/2023 of the Dean of the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering WUT
- Template of certificate on the completion of the internship - Annex no. 4b to Regulation no. 4/2023 of the Dean of the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering WUT
- Template of student internship report - Annex no. 5b to Regulation no. 4/2023 of the Dean of the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering WUT
- Template of application for crediting the work performed as a student internship - Annex no. 6b to Regulation no. 4/2023 of the Dean of the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering WUT
- Detailed rules for co-financing mandatory student internships for students of the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering - Annex no. 7b to Regulation no. 4/2023 of the Dean of the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering WUT
- Template Application for co-financing of accommodation and travel costs for the period of obligatory student internships - Annex no. 8b to Regulation no. 4/2023 of the Dean of the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering WUT
- Database of the companies (only in Polish).