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FEMS Masters Thesis Award

The FEMS Masters Thesis award is intended to recognize the best Masters Thesis on Materials Science and Engineering, presented in any Academic Institution from the country of any FEMS member Society. FEMS Member Societies may nominate one candidate per year.

Materials engineering in the spotlight

zdjęcie Dużej Auli podczas wydarzenia

Nearly a thousand participants from over 50 countries came to the Warsaw University of Technology for the E-MRS 2022 Fall Meeting conference where the latest developments and trends in materials science were presented during lectures, workshops and exhibitions.

"Biomaterials for medical implants" seminar

fot. https://zbdw.pl

We have the pleasure to invite you to the 1th seminar on the „Biomaterials for medical implants”. The meeting will take place on the Microsoft Teams on 12th October at 9:00-13:20 (CET).

In the ring and in the lab

Photo of Dominik Grzęda during the fight

How to combine successes in sport and at university? Like Dominik Grzęda, who took third place in the kickboxing competition during the European Universities Games, while on the everyday basis he is also working on his doctorate at our Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering.

Admissions to the WUT Doctoral School

The Master’s degree is not enough? Join us!

New 2D materials under the lens of our researchers

MBene / credit: A. Jastrzębska

A team from the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering is examining a new group of two-dimensional materials – MBenes phases. Their unique and still not fully recognized properties may one day be used, among other things, in environmental protection and health care.

Distinction in the competition Polish Product of the Future

Nagroda „Polski Produkt Przyszłości”

Our university spin-off company ADJ Nanotechnology and the Warsaw University of Technology have been recognised for their collaboration on the technology of manufacturing sterilising nanoparticle composites.

Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

Madhurya Chandel

Dr. Madhurya Chandel has been invited to attend the 71st Lindau Nobel Laureates Meeting at Lindau (Germany) from 26 June–to 1 July 2022.

Warsaw University of Technology in the QS Ranking by Subject

Zdjęcie Gmachu Głównego Politechniki Warszawskiej

In the latest edition of the QS by Subject we have once again taken first place in Poland in the Engineering & Technology category. In the Natural Sciences we have retained third position in the country.

Our student on the list of the most talented young Poles

Julia Kosińska

Julia Kosińska was among the winners of the "25 under 25" competition, which recognizes talented and ambitious people under the age of 25.

New nanomethod for surface sterility

Researchers at the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering have developed a technology that protects any surface from harmful microorganisms. The solution uses bioactive nanoparticle composites applied in the form of a permanent coating.

Information for students from Ukraine

Online registration system / Eлектронна система реєстрації

Antibacterial materials - new research project

Modern world faces many challenges in health protection which have become extremely important in the pandemic times. These challenges also face new materials since they can help in limiting the transfer of infectious diseases. Therefore, the production of antibacterial materials is essential for us and future generations.

Help for Ukraine

In the Main Building of the Warsaw University of Technology there is a central collection point, where we collect long-term storage food, cosmetics and chemicals, bandages, new blankets and sleeping bags.

In solidarity with Ukraine

The academic community of the Warsaw University of Technology stands in full solidarity with the Ukrainian nation at this harrowing moment for our neighbor. Nothing can justify the military aggression that Russia has carried out against Ukraine.

Information for students of the first year of master's studies

Information for students of the first year of master's studies, starting from the summer semester of the year 2021/2022.

Notice no. 1/2022 of the Warsaw University of Technology Rector

In connection with the current epidemic situation related to the COVID-19 pandemic

Meeting for students - Biomaterials specialisation

We would like to invite you to an organizational meeting on 01.03.2022 at 14:00. Meeting place: Wołoska St., 141, room no. 215.

Library training for 1st year students

The Library Training Course will be available: October 25 - November 5, 2021 (for all students who study in English as the language of instruction).

Information for students from M.Sc. Biomaterials specialization

The Research Group Bioactive nanomaterials with 2D crystal structure is inviting 2nd semester students from M.Sc. Biomaterials specialization to carry out their Research Projects ‘Biomaterials’ courses in the group.

Prof. Marek Rubel's lecture

fot. ipicgr | pixabay.com

"Plasma – Material Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices & Analysis of Wall Components" – this is the title of the Prof. Marek Rubel's lecture lecture which will be held on 11th October.

"Polymer Composites" Research Group


The holiday period at the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering is not only a time of rest. During summer months our scientists conduct research work that often involves business trips.

Register for courses

We invite you to register for courses for the winter semester of 2021/2022. Registration takes place via USOSweb from June 21, 2021 - July 2, 2021. Additional registrations will be conducted on September 20-24, 2021.

A novel composite material

Mgr inż. Kamil Dydek and his team will be implementing the project until 2023.

Requirements for composite materials used in the industry are getting ever more demanding. Companies are doing their best to gain even the slightest competitive edge and scientists are helping them to do so. Mgr inż. Kamil Dydek, a PhD student at the Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering is working hand in hand with his team to develop an innovative solution, which may be applied in aviation, the wind power and automobile industries and even in medicine and sports gear.

Erasmus+ information meeting


Erasmus+ office invites all students interested in participating in Erasmus+ programme to the information meeting. During the meeting there will be a presentation about the most important issues related to participation in Erasmus+ programme at WUT.