The study offer
The full range and description of fields of study are presented in section called
The following is a general study offer at the Faculty of Production Engineering.
Studies at the Faculty of Production Engineering are implemented in a three-tier system, modeled on the solutions used in the leading academic centers in Europe and the United States.
The division into a three-tier system of studies is the main characteristics of studies at the Faculty. It is divided into the following types:
I degree: studies in engineering,
II degree: master’s degree,
III degree: PhD.
The enrollment for each of the stages is carried out independently, which means that candidates for the II and III grade will be enrolled from the University of Warsaw, as well as from other universities, both public and private.
The Faculty of Production Engineering offers following types of studies:
Bachelor’s degree / Engineering - (students receive a diploma of engineer)
Engineering (full-time studies, 7 semesters)
Automation and Robotics - no specialty
Mechanical Engineering in the following specialties:
- Manufacturing Technology
- Production Engineering
Management and Production Engineering in the following specialties:
- Information Management Systems
- Engineering Production Processes
- CAD-CAM Systems
- Production Management
Paper and Printing in the following specialties:
- Printing Techniques
- The Operation of Printing Machines
Engineering Studies (part-time, 8 semesters).
Mechanical Engineering majoring in:
- Production Engineering
Paper and Printing in the following specialties:
- Printing Techniques
- The Operation of Printing Machines
Management and Production Engineering in the following specialties:
- Engineering Processes
- CAD / CAM Systems
- Production Management
II degree studies (students receive a master’s degree)
Master’s degree (full-time, 4 semesters)
Automation and Robotics in the following specialties:
- Automation of Manufacturing Processes
- Flexible Manufacturing Systems
Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering majoring in:
- Biomechanics Engineering
- Production Engineering
- Computer Design of Machines and Processes
- CNC Machine Tools
- Printing Techniques
- Technology of Metals and Plastics
- Weaponry
Paper and Printing (*only 3 semesters) in the following specialty:
- Printing Techniques
Management and Production Engineering in the following specialties:
- Global Production Engineering and Management (in English and Polish)
Master’s degree (extramural, 4 semesters)
Mechanical Engineering in the following specialties:
- Production Engineering
- Printing Techniques
Paper and Printing in the following specialty:
- Printing Techniques
Management and Production Engineering majoring in:
- Globalized Management and Production Engineering
III degree / PhD (full 4-year PhD student will receive a diploma of Doctor of Technical Sciences)
Day/full - time and extramural / part-time
Machine Design and Operation of Machines majoring in:
- Engineering Technology
- Production Management, Technology Transfer, Productivity, Technological Innovation