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Antibacterial materials - new research project

dr inż. Agnieszka Krawczyńska

Modern world faces many challenges in health protection which have become extremely important in the pandemic times. These challenges also face new materials since they can help in limiting the transfer of infectious diseases. Therefore, the production of antibacterial materials is essential for us and future generations.

Agnieszka Krawczyńska will carry out the project "Tailoring microstructure of metallic materials towards antibacterial properties". Project is funded by the SONATA BIS 11 programme of the National Science Centre. 

What is the originality of the project?

In the literature antibacterial properties are mainly assigned to the chemical composition of metals and their alloys rather than to their microstructural features. Scarce are information considering the impact of density of dislocations, grain and precipitates size on antibacterial properties of various materials in the everyday use (e.g copper, aluminium alloys or austenitic stainless steel), therefore, the project is highly original. The variety of microstructures differing in mentioned above microstructural features will be produced by the combination of SPD techniques with annealing. Their antibacterial properties will be verified against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus.

What is the aim of the project?

The aim of the project is to optimize the microstructure of metallic materials to ensure the best antibacterial properties. In a larger perspective, the project results will have a significant impact on suppression of the proliferation of bacteria by providing the knowledge for the production in the nearest future new antibacterial materials for the everyday use.

Who will be engaged in the project?

For the realization of the project, a new, interdisciplinary research team will be created, supported by scientists from renowned foreign research units – the University of Vienna (dr Daria Setman) and Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (dr Maciej Oskar Liedke). I am very happy to invite students who would like to participate in the realization of the project during their studies, as well as those who are just finishing their master's studies and are looking for a fascinating subject for their Phd studies.


If you are interested in joining the project, please contact Agnieszka Krawczyńska.