prof. Marcin Leonowicz

The team specializes in shaping the structure and microstructure of structural and functional materials.

In particular, additive technologies and their impact on the structure and properties of materials, mainly magnetically active ones, are developed. The team's work also includes issues of closedloop economy of magnetic materials. In addition, research is conducted on nonNewtonian fluids.

The range of metallic materials under study covers a wide spectrum of materials including magnetically hard and soft alloys, magnetic nanostructures in applications for targeted therapy and shearthickening fluids. Technological methods include 3D printing processes, rapid solidification methods, mechanical alloy synthesis and hydrogen methods in application to rare earth alloys.

In the area of 3D printing, activities include alloy design, along with alloy fabrication, and a complete technological sequence, including obtaining powders by ultrasonic atomization, 3D printing, and a full range of characterization of structure, microstructure and properties.

Research topics

  • Additive methods (3D printing) as applied to the manufacture of structural and functional materials;
  • Development of printing strategies for structural and functional materials to control their structure and microstructure;
  • Fabrication by 3D printing of structural and functional materials with amorphous, nanocrystalline or composite structures;
  • Fabrication and testing magnetically hard and soft materials;
  • Fabrication and testing magnetocaloric materials;
  • Application of hydrogen methods to structure formation of FeNdB alloys;
  • Fabrication and testing shear thickened liquids in application to impact energy absorption.

Research offerings

  • Fabrication and characterization of metallic parts by additive technologies;
  • Development of 3D printing strategies, using the LBSD method, for structural, functional alloys and biomaterials;
  • Fabrication and characterization of metallic powders by ultrasonic atomization;
  • Testing and characterization of metallic powders;
  • Studies of the structure and microstructure of components made by additive methods;
  • Studies of physical properties of functional materials;
  • Fabrication of metallic powders by atomization methods;
  • Shaping the microstructure of alloys by 3D printing, rapid solidification and mechanical synthesis;
  • Characterization of magnetic properties;
  • Characterization of nonNewtonian fluids;
  • Characterization of rheological parameters;
  • Studies of impact force absorption.
  • Studies of accelerated aging of materials;
  • Design and fabrication of protective structures based on rheological fluids.

Domestic cooperation

  • Amazemet Ltd, Warsaw, Poland
  • Evitron Ltd, Police, Poland
  • Smart Fluid SA, Warsaw, Poland
  • Gumet, Kraśnik, Poland

International cooperation

  • IMDEA Materials Institute, Madrid, Spain
  • Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Napoli, Italy
  • University of Aveiro, Averio, Portugal
  • Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology, Chemnitz, Germany


  • Prof. Marcin Leonowicz, DSc. PhD. Eng.
  • Prof. Waldemar Kaszuwara, DSc. PhD. Eng.
  • Rafał Wróblewski, PhD. Eng.
  • Bartosz Michalski, PhD. Eng.
  • Paulina Nakonieczna-Dąbrowska, PhD., Eng.
  • Lukasz Żrodowski, Ph.D., Eng.
  • Bartosz Morończyk, M.Sc.
  • Tomasz Choma, M.Sc.
  • Bartosz Kalicki, M.Sc.
  • Konstanty Jonak, M.Sc.