Ladies and Gentlemen
We cordially invite you to participate in Distinguished Lectures on Quantum Crystallography and Complementary Fields which will be presented on-line once per month since Dec. 2021. These lectures are organized under the auspices of the Quantum Crystallography Commission of IUCr and the European Crystallographic Association SIG 2 on Quantum Crystallography with a support of the Department of Chemistry of the University of Warsaw (Poland).
This series of lectures will start on the 2nd of Dec., 2021 (at 4pm CET) with two lectures:
and complementary lecture 2:
One can register at these lectures using the following web page:
You can also find abstracts and CVs of speakers at the above web page.
The lectures are free and open to everyone; each lecture is expected to last maximum ca. 35min + up to 15min for Q&A. Just make sure to register.
We sincerely invite you to register and participate.