Distinguished Lectures on Quantum Crystallography and Complementary Fields

Ladies and Gentlemen
We cordially invite you to participate in Distinguished Lectures on Quantum Crystallography and Complementary Fields which will be presented on-line once per month since Dec. 2021. These lectures are organized under the auspices of the Quantum Crystallography Commission of IUCr  and the European Crystallographic Association SIG 2 on Quantum Crystallography with a support of the Department of Chemistry of the University of Warsaw (Poland).

This series of lectures will start on the 2nd of Dec., 2021 (at 4pm CET) with two lectures:

  • Lecture 1: “Quantum Crystallography at extreme conditions: necessities and pitfalls” by Piero Macchi (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)

and complementary lecture 2:

  •  “Charge density analysis and the fundamentals of magnetic super-exchange” by Roger Johnson (University College London, UK)

One can register at these lectures using the following web page:https://qcrwebinar.chem.uw.edu.pl

You can also find abstracts and CVs of speakers at the above web page. 
The lectures are free and open to everyone; each lecture is expected to last maximum ca. 35min + up to 15min for Q&A. Just make sure to register.
We sincerely invite you to register and participate.

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