Miejsce: Sala Rady Wydziału (215), ul. Wołoska 141, Warszawa
Serdecznie zapraszamy na wykład pt. „Ultrasonic spot welding of lightweight materials”, który wygłosi prof. Daolun Chen.
Dr. Chen is a Professor in the Department of Mechanical, Industrial and Mechatronics Engineering, Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University). He received his BSc and MSc in Materials Science and Engineering from Northeastern University, China; Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences; and his second doctorate (Dr.rer.nat.) in Chemistry from the University of Vienna, Austria. In addition, Dr. Chen obtained a Certificate in Higher Education Teaching at the University of Manitoba in 2000. Prior to joining Toronto Metropolitan University as an Assistant Professor (2001-2004) and then Associate Professor (2004-2008), Dr. Chen worked as a Post-doc Fellow (1993-1995) and Senior Research Scientist (1995-1997) at the University of Vienna; Research Associate at the University of Manitoba (1997-2000); and Materials and Process Engineer at Bristol Aerospace Ltd., Winnipeg, Manitoba (2000-2001). Read more - https://people.torontomu.ca/dchen/biography.html