8 kwietnia 2024 roku o godz. 12:00 prof. Muk Chen Ong wygłosi wykład pt. "Harnessing the Wind: Advances in Offshore Wind Turbines and Engineering Software Development".
Miejsce: Sala Rady Wydziału, WIM PW ul. Wołoska 141
Professor Muk Chen Ong will talk about offshore wind technology with a focus on turbine concepts and development of engineering software. The aim of this presentation is to discuss current technologies, technical and environmental challenges, potential resources and market, as well as future educational and research activities in offshore wind. This will further stimulate active educational and research collaboration between institutions and companies both nationally and internationally.
Muk Chen Ong is Professor of Marine Technology and Marine Operations at the University of Stavanger (UiS), Norway and a member of Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences (NTVA). He is currently the Leader of Ocean Technology Innovation Cluster Stavanger (http://www.uis.no/otics). He is also Executive Editor of The Innovation Energy, Advisor of China Ocean Engineering, Associate Editor of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Maritime Engineering, as well as Editorial Board Members of Ocean Engineering, Applied Ocean Research, Technology Review of Carbon Neutrality, Journal of Marine Science and Application, Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology and Ocean Systems Engineering. His research interests are dynamic analysis of offshore wind turbines, dynamic analysis of offshore fish cages, marine lifting operations and installations, vortex-induced vibrations, computational fluid dynamics with turbulence modelling, flows around offshore and subsea structures, internal flow in subsea piping systems, sediment transport, scour around offshore structures, free surface flow and wave kinematics, as well as carbon capture, utilization, storage and transport.